JaByBi (pronounced Jah-bee-bee) is the short-hand or acronym for Java, Bytes n Bites, a would-be coffee shop/Internet cafe for which I never received bank funding and never started up, other than to incorporate it by name only. Obtaining zero funding, and being unable to start it up, despite all the money I spent buying testbed equipment and buying many books to prepare myself to manage the LAN it would have had, I decided to for a few days or weeks to expose the Internet to my plan. For a while I retained control of the domain name, and now and for a decade, it has been in the hands of various cybersquatters.
Recently, I forgot that I had had it up (in a form earlier than what I have now) for more than a few days. I am pretty sure it was up for less than a few weeks, however. While it was up, I received two emails from Asia, one, being in Singapore, if I recall correctly. I cannot recall from where the other correspondent wrote. One wrote of having a number of issues with how to go about planning for operating a cafe, and, upon seeing and downloading my plan and studying it, was then able to resolve many questions and then went into business. It was a gratifying feeling to know that someone SOMEwhere in the world benefitted from my business plan since none of the banks in Stockton wanted to fund me. (One, possibly two banking officers tried to steal a copy of my plan (or, they were incredibly stupid liars and expected me to back down), but I managed to retrieve my physical copies despite the minutes-long delays and feigning they put up since my surprise visite to retrieve my plan probably deprived them of a last opportunity to make a photocopie of the business plan book).
Now, once again, but 11 years and almost 3 months later, I post it again, but this time only screen shots. I need to make some money off of it, and it is demoralizing that I cannot license it/sell copies of it to the City of San Francisco or the Unified School District of San Francisco since I am not a business, and relatives I have in education and in charity so far have not responded. I wanted to give them first shot, but I cannot wait for them any longer. Cashflow is thicker than blood it would seem.
If you are interested in buying a copy of it or in obtaining a license to use and modify it, contact me here, and tell me what you think it may be worth to you. I am currently unemployed, income-deficient, and would like to license it to schools as a tool to encourage or boost entrepreneurial spirit in kids and adults from age 10 through 25, from middle school into college, in the event their families need supplemental income.
Below is an image of the most recent Google find on the acronym I coined back in 2002. It is a screen capture of my email to a Central Valley Linux user group.